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Building Trust
Moving on from betrayal
Build a solid foundation where you genuinely feel safe, appreciated and healed.
Designed for both persons in a relationship.
Workshop videos of 6 lessons over 2 hours & 27 page workbook of guidance and prompts.

If you have experienced problems in your relationship involving:

  • Betrayal

  • Secrecy

  • Social Humiliation

  • Infidelity

  • "Not having your back"

  • Constant bickering and arguing

  • Feeling criticised, judged, and disliked without reason

  • A greater emotional connection to other people (friends, co-workers, family members etc)


You may have tried building trust before but you have ended up:

  • Repeatedly arguing without any real solution

  • You don't feel understood or appreciated - things are just "covered up" to "be ok for now"

  • You walk on eggshells not sure how much you can trust your partner

  • You say nothing because "there's no point"

  • Or you have make up sex to try and 'reconnect and build' but it doesn't really work.


This workshop is for you.


This workshop involves :

  • 6 lessons over 2 hours and 15 minutes

  • A workbook filled with 27 pages of prompts to support healing and building trust


This workshop is specifically designed for BOTH partners: the person who is injured AND the person who committed the act of betrayal.


Start having REAL honesty, unpick have the pain truly understood and seen, begin healing in a meaningful way, and build for your future (even if you are making the decision whether or not your relationship will last). 



  • Lesson 1: Betrayal. Understanding the 10 different types of betrayal - and why the reason you're stuck in moving forward is that it is not just the 1 primary betrayal that you are focused in on, but it's an accumulation of multiple betrayals.

  • Lesson 2: Impact. You are building from ground zero upwards. Learn that intention does not negate impact, and how you can build a stronger foundation - for yourself and the relationship.

  • Lesson 3: Acknowledgement. This is the first of the 3 stage process that you need to go through together, including the pressures of 'moving on', subconscious processes that are keeping you stuck, and how the pain is key for healing.

  • Lesson 4: Acceptance (injured person). Acknowledgement supports your ability to come to acceptance, and the biggest step around how you move on. Lean with compassion and understand layers of "forgiveness". 

  • Lesson 5: Acceptance (person committing betrayal). Understand more about your projections that led to the betrayal, navigate egoic issues, and connect with your core amidst shame and guilt.

  • Lesson 6: Aligned action. When safety is created, you can then start considering having difficult conversations - of the past and in the future. Learn of ways to deeply reconnect and support growth.

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